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Gym desk hours are from 5:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Saturday. We also have 24/7 KEYCARD ACCESS for ALL members. Location: 4770 Pearl St., Suite A Boulder, CO 80301 Phone: 303-443-8787 At Customized Nutrition & Exercise, LLC., we help individuals achieve their athletic goals –cardiovascular, muscle building and/or weight loss. We take a no-nonsense approach to personal training, focusing on the benefits of sweat equity and a balanced diet. We also provide qualified research on the best dietary supplements and gym equipment on the market. A Boulder, Colorado owned/operated venue, CNE’s fitness team has collectively trained over 10,000 individuals, from professional athletes and weekend warriors to individuals seeking weight loss. Our American Council on Exercise (ACE)-qualified staff and trainers will deliver services and products specifically designed to meet your objectives. Services: Gym Facilities Experience a workout unlike any other. CNE gym members have access to top-of-the-line commercial gym equipment – including a full complement of free weights, HAMMER STRENGTH, Nautilus systems and treadmills, bikes and elliptical machines. At CNE, members never wait to use equipment, and professional trainers are always on staff ready to answer questions. Many of Boulder’s well-known athletes train at the facility. Gym desk hours are from 5:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Saturday. We also have 24/7 KEYCARD ACCESS for ALL members. Location: 4770 Pearl St., Suite A Boulder, CO 80301 Phone: 303-443-8787, EMAIL – cnegym@gmail.com
Personal Fitness Instruction
CNE’s trainers guide fitness enthusiasts through customized weight/cardio programs. Clients will receive, one-on-one sessions with a personal trainer in a safe, friendly, semi-private atmosphere. Learn proper lifting form and attempt new techniques/skills under the trainer’s watchful eye. With personalized attention from a CNE trainer, you will achieve results faster because you are exercising more efficiently. For a complete listing of the male and female trainers at our facility, please see PERSONAL TRAINERS.
Nutrition Programs
Exercise is only part of the healthy living equation. To regain energy and lose weight, proper eating is essential. At CNE, nutrition programs begin with a body composition number (%fat vs. %muscle) and nutritional evaluation. Diet lifestyle, activity levels, weight history and relevant medical history will be assessed. CNE professionals will help clients create an action plan or dietary course, typically focusing on high-protein meals and low-carb late night offerings. In addition, CNE clients receive customized meal options for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.
We feature a full Supplement Shop! Supplements are designed to achieve weight loss, muscle mass or other physical attributes. At CNE, our professional team determines an individual’s athletic goals, reviews biochemical composition, provides education on supplement use and introduces the best products to fit objectives. We carry a wide variety of supplements at our fitness center.
Home/Commercial Fitness Equipment
At CNE, we offer the best brands available in home/ commercial fitness equipment, at all price points. Products are tested for reliability and backed with the best service and installation in the industry. We carry treadmills, bikes, elliptical machines, climbers, home gyms and free weights from trusted names: Stairmaster, Schwinn, Trixter, Universal, Fitnex, USA, Troy, TKO, Lamar, Maxicam, HAMMER STRENGTH, Yukon, Riddell, Inertia, and Fitball. Consult with a CNE equipment specialist or trainer prior to purchasing equipment. Our team has used every piece of equipment sold through CNE – we are speaking from experience. We invite you to browse our site and see for yourself why so many other fitness enthusiasts shop no place else for their quality health and fitness products. The Check-out section of our Shopping Cart is 100% SSL encrypted…so shop with confidence!
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